
Your certificates are nowhere to be found?
Have you forgotten the date of the next inspection?
Has your email with the certificates not reached its destination?

If this has ever happened to you, Addship is here to make sure it doesn't happen again

All the certification of your boat or fleet at the click of a button!

These are the tools that Addship has for you!


Safely store your certificates in the cloud, access your information from anywhere in the world from different devices without the need to install anything. All your information travels with you on your mobile or pc.


Share all your information at the click of a button. Send your valid certificates to customs, consignees, or suppliers in viewing mode. No need to compress or open your email, directly from the platform.


Perhaps the tool that will make you fall in love the most. Generate your own alerts so you never miss the expiration dates and next review dates. We already know you have other things in mind, AddShip reminds you so that your boat is always up to date and with margin.


Have your boat located and access the route with the best geolocation service. You can have an idea of where it is convenient to dock and the time you have to prepare your next reviews knowing how far you are from your supplier.


As an administrator, create different profiles to help you with management. Allow access, reading, or modification of your certificates to colleagues, authorities, suppliers, etc...


We are here to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with a direct chat from the platform.

Access from all your devices!